You can be the one to improve things
The Resguarda platform opens a channel for complaints for all those irregular situations that are generated between companies, employees and suppliers can find a solution and become improvements.
- España 900-975-278
- Estados Unidos 1-800-921-2240
- Argentina 0-800-999-4636
- Brasil 0-800-891-4636
- Bolivia 800100605
- Canadá 18886406497
- Chile 800-835-133
- Colombia 01-800-752-2222
- Costa Rica 0-800-054-1046
- Ecuador 1-800-000031
- El Salvador 800-6988
- Guatemala 1-800-835-0393
- Honduras 800-2791-9047
- Islas Vírgenes 1-855-861-9069
- Jamaica 1-800-205-0387
- México 01-800-1233312
- Nicaragua 001-800-2260469
- Panamá 011-00800-052-1375
- Paraguay 009-800-521-0056
- Perú 0-800-00932
- Portugal 800-827782
- Puerto Rico 1-855-7619289
- Rep. Dominicana 1-888-760-0133
- Trinidad & Tobago 1-855-511-9561
- Uruguay 000-4052-10128
- Venezuela 0-800-162-7357
Reporting is so simple
Make your telephone report according to your country of origin.
Our operator will guide you through the process of your complaint.
You already have a report number and a password for a future follow-up.
A channel for improvements
We channel fragile and delicate work topics.
The information provided will be received and processed by specialized personnel, guaranteeing total independence and objectivity.
What type of irregularities can I report?
- Anything that violates our Code of Ethics.
- Economic fraud (theft, authorizations for the expenditure of funds without justification, etc.).
- Accounting records that deviate from company policy.
- Surrender of company information or speculative use of it.
The anonymity of the complainant is preserved.
We apply information security and system auditing standards.
The integrity of the information is guaranteed.
Your report will be treated quickly, confidentially, and professionally.